
Writing under the name Diane Arrelle, I have had over 400 short stories and two collections of short stories published. My two fiction books are Just A Drop In The Cup, and Seasons On the Dark Side. I am co-owner of Jersey Pines Ink Publishing LLC which you can find at https://jerseypines.ink. I have been the editor of four anthologies: Crypt Gnats: Horror You've Been Itching To Read, Whodunit, Trees, and A Little Fantasy Everywhere.
I live on the edge of the Pine Barrens (home of the Jersey Devil) in Southern New Jersey with my sane husband and my insane cat. I am proud to be one of the founding members as well as the second president of the Garden State Horror Writers and I am also the past president of the Philadelphia Writers’ Conference as well as currently on the PWC board of directors.
I began writing stories in college while taking the four hour once a week class, The Geography Of Southeast Asia, which I needed for my teaching certification in social studies. It was really a long class that begged to let my imagination roam. Growing up in a small rural town and listening nightly the ghastly, ghostly tales that my older siblings forced upon me, I naturally turned to horror, since I am basically afraid of everything.To support my writing habit for the last couple of decades, I have held a wide variety of jobs including Teacher, School Bus Driver, Waitress, Sales Clerk, Mystery Shopper, Holiday Gift Wrapper in a department store, Newspaper Correspondent, Tutor, Freelance Writer, Senior Citizen Center Director and I was also that person who stood around in a mall burning vanilla tinged milk and cooking tasteless crepes to sell nonstick pots and pans.I often turn to events that happen around me for inspiration and one of my favorite stories was inspired by a delightfully creepy Pocono resort my sister and I stayed at a few years ago. To my utter joy, it was my turn to tell her some ghastly, ghostly stories to keep her up all night.